We Give the Devil Too Much Credit

Do you know we give the devil too much credit?

The devil is not that powerful and definitely not omnipresent. He can only be at one place at a time.

So everything that goes wrong in your life may not necessarily be the devil.

It may occur because of our own foolishness or mistake.

Do you also realize as you get deeper into your relationship with God the more attacks you have? It's because the devil begins to notice you and paying attention to all that you are receiving from God freely.

God never changes, He already supplied and the stuff we need

( note the word need not the things we want) are available to us, it's because the devil is working overtime to intercept your gifts that are rightfully yours that is why it appears your answer to prayers are delayed or does not come through.

So when you read Daniel 9, Daniel's prayer was answered without resistance, but his prayers were hindered in chapter 10. It appears the devil noticed Daniel and the attacks began on a deeper level.

When you pray and you don't receive your gift on time it does not mean God is sleeping and did not bother to answer; He already supplied and ready for you to claim it.

But the devil is fighting tooth and nail to stop you from tapping into your gifts.

That is why you don't stop praying and claiming something that is already yours.

That is why you don't give up after one, two, or three trials.

that is why you don't get discouraged and stop seeking God.

Remember God's provision is set, the devil is the variable factor that comes to kill, steal, and destroy anything that is rightfully ours.

We need to learn and corporate with the laws of God.

You resist the devil.

You speak directly to the problem. You exercise authority and power God has given you.

Instead of being a beggar, a pleader, a whiner, and a gripper you will become a commander. You believe that God has said He’s done and you’ll take your authority and begin commanding it to manifest.

Instead of just praying for healing, you will command healing. Instead of just praying for blessing, you will command blessings.

That is a huge difference my sisters.

Let's continue to renew our mind to God's word, and allow ourselves to become a bridge that He can flow through from the spiritual into the physical world.