Praise Awaits You
/The psalmist recognizes that there are many things to be thankful for. For the rain, for the animals, for food, for shelter, even for forgiving us when we transgress. These ways and many more, God has shown forth his glory, his power, his mightiness, and his awesomeness in all areas. Even things that are not pleasant, they are worth to be thankful for because God allows it for a purpose beyond us.
I Thessalonians says, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” So, if it is not His will, it won’t happen. And you know what? God’s will may not be pleasant, but it is the best for greater things to be manifested. Every day that the Lord has blessed you with to see worth thanking Him for the grace.
Why do we need to praise God? Because He is worthy and worth it and no one else does. His mercies are too numerous and too precious to be forgotten.
Praise does not necessarily mean singing, but it also includes offering prayers and giving offerings. Will you join the Psalmist today to say, my praise awaits you Lord for only You is worthy of my praise and my vows I will fulfill to you alone? Amen
Psalm 65:1
“Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled.”