Build Your Faith and Trust

Mary was a young virgin, who believed and trusted in God’s word to bring forth to the world, our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. She was called blessed because she believed in the Lord; she trusted God’s word and had faith that the words would come to fulfillment. God’s words spoken are yes and Amen. God is a covenant-keeping God and whatever He says comes to the past. Your doctor is not God, neither your circumstances nor situations are God! So, you don't have to believe those things or reports that God hasn't spoken to come to pass in your life. Blessed are you if you believe, trust and have faith in the plans of God for you, which are of good and not of evil. You can boldly say in that situation or the challenge that you know the plans God has for you because it has been declared by Him to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future - Jeremiah 29:11. These are the kind of people that are blessed when they believe that the word God has spoken to them will be fulfilled. 

Luke 1:45

"You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said“

Mary had no evidence to support her belief! You want to ask how on earth a vigil can get pregnant and give birth, even to a special gift? It is only God that can do the impossibilities, and that is who He is. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen - Hebrew 11:1. You need faith to believe completely that your situation can and will change for the best, even if you have no evidence to support your belief.

How much do you take God at His word and how much do you believe His word that not only can He do what He says but will do what he says. Mary had a strong faith and believed in the amazing declaration of God's word through an angel, which came to fulfillment. You and I need such astonishing faith to work through our challenges if only we can trust God with His words to do the impossibilities.