Spiritual Strength
/You just don't know how much spiritual strength you have until you get out of the storm.
Looking back you wonder how you made it through.
You realized you tread cautiously, shaken to the core and just when you are about to throw in the towel, He sends a rescue team.
A text message from a loved one, a phone call or a surprise visit.
As I look back I now recalled that still small voice that said "I will never give you more than you can handle."
Those words were noise in my ears while in the middle of it all.
Now I realized it did help me take the next breath and the next. I took each step with strength like an eagle. And I was able to make my way through it all unscratched.
My dear, while in it, you will be feeling alone, sometimes you will feel abandoned, you will feel you are choking. But when He said He will never give you more than you can handle that means He is sending help.
Just take a moment and take a look around, somebody is always there willing to pray with you, talk with you or walk with you. Someone is always around.
As a child of God you will never go through anything alone even when you feel it very much.
And most important of all the Holy Spirit dwells with you and that is of course your biggest help.
My dear this week just remember God is not taking the experience away from you but He will send others your way to help you walk.
Keep walking!