The Game Is On

The Game Is On

“So we finally made our goals, plans and desires for this year and God is laughing; seriously. Because He has others plans and only reveals Himself to us to figure out what His plans are for us.

You see, over the years I only clearly understand and see His assignments for me only when I am very close to Him.

As a believing walking Christian what do you expect to do?”

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It’s the Simple Things

It’s the Simple Things

“Jesus was a simple Man/God and His message was so simple we sometimes think He is a joke when He tells us to chill because God clothes the grass of the field…. and how much more us? Or we should be anxious about nothing but to let our request be known unto Him. Just say the word and it's done? For real?

Yes for real, but why don't we see it,

feel it or taste His goodness as soon as we need it? Oh yes we do.”

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Let Us Pray

The Lord is our strength, our guide, our shield, our rock. The Lord is who stand and we stand. The Lord is our word our music and He stood in for us so we can wake up today.

By His grace we made it this morning.

We praise your name oh Lord and we give you the glory.

We honor you and bow before you. For because of you, we know we can face today.

Go before us this week.

The same routine each day but in the midst of the chaos you stand in it and you order our storm to be still.

How else do we think we can make it without you?

Please give us the wisdom to know the things that we should do and not do and the wisdom to also wait to listen to the still small voice before we think, feel and act.

Bless us oh!! Lord indeed, and expand our territories. May your eyes continue to be upon us. May no evil come our way and may we cause no one pain.

It is well!!! Let's have a good week.

Where Are We Going?

Where Are We Going?

“At the airport, in our numbers we showed up like ants; women, men, children, family, and all busy to get to our individual gates on time to board.

I saw a lady rushing to her gate, her carry-on dragging behind her and you can tell her main focus was to get to her gate. No time for anything else.

I sat and watched the busyness of mankind and I wonder;

Where are we going?”

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