The Lord is our strength, our guide, our shield, our rock. The Lord is who stand and we stand. The Lord is our word our music and He stood in for us so we can wake up today.
By His grace we made it this morning.
We praise your name oh Lord and we give you the glory.
We honor you and bow before you. For because of you, we know we can face today.
Go before us this week.
The same routine each day but in the midst of the chaos you stand in it and you order our storm to be still.
How else do we think we can make it without you?
Please give us the wisdom to know the things that we should do and not do and the wisdom to also wait to listen to the still small voice before we think, feel and act.
Bless us oh!! Lord indeed, and expand our territories. May your eyes continue to be upon us. May no evil come our way and may we cause no one pain.
It is well!!! Let's have a good week.