Be In Your Lane

I decided to nurse the seeds of a plant in a pot in my backyard. Every morning I look at the dirt

in the pot with the seeds buried inside with no sign of life or growth. But I never gave up. I knew

there were some seeds in there that I planted and all I had to do was give it water every other

day or as the dirt dries out of water.

Infact, the reason I was even more curious was when God said to me one morning “just keep


This morning as I looked out into the pot, oh there it was; green tiny leaves shooting out of the

dirt. It took almost sixty days.

God was right, we have no control over what happens to the people we preach to with our lives;

He does.

We just have to plant and keep feeding and it is completely in the Lord's hands to see to it that

the person receives and is growing in the Lord.

Are you frustrated with someone you have been attempting to win to Christ? Maybe you are

neglecting your part and trying to play God. It's not our place to judge people who are still living

for the world. Our responsibility is to practice what we preach, have patience, keep watering

with love, affection and compassion and the Lord will do the rest.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted, Apollos watered, But God gave the increase.”

Be in your lane my dear!!!