Where Are We Going?

At the airport, in our numbers we showed up like ants; women, men, children, family, and all busy to get to our individual gates on time to board.

I saw a lady rushing to her gate, her carry-on dragging behind her and you can tell her main focus was to get to her gate. No time for anything else.

I sat and watched the busyness of mankind and I wonder;

Where are we going?

Are we really going anywhere at all? Or we are just running in circles.

At that airport scenery, was a replica of our lives and our last days on this earth.

One-day, sooner or later at an unknown gate our plane will arrive individually.

It is one kind of a trip you can't refuse to board, it's coming and you must be prepared.

I had to laugh; when you board your final flight there will be no first class, no group A, B or C, no waiting list;

It is levelled at the foot of the cross.

So you can't trade in your seat to get a free ride next time. There will be no next time.

Some are ready taking their time to walk to their gates and enjoying the goodness of God and all blessings poured into theirs lives along the way.

Others wasted time and in the last days rush to find God before they make it to the gate.

The fact is we will all get to our gates one way or the other; the question is will you enjoy the things along the way, celebrate His goodness, help others to get to their gates with a smile,

OR you will be scrambling for the leftovers of His mercies and Grace wondering if there is anyone available and free enough to stop and show you the way?

Like the woman with her luggage, rushing to board to her destination, let us take time to know the Lord now, walk with Him, seek Him diligently and trusting that all is well and there is no need to rush;

Take your time on this life journey, but walk in Grace and know Him for yourself.

The finish line is NOT determined by you.