Prayer is Work

Today's devotion talks about prayer. It's important that we visit God's words many times to

understand and to help us live fruitfully.

Prayer is not to equip us to do greater works, Chambers wrote in his discussion. Prayer is the

work itself.

So very true my dear. We do all the work on Our knees and we go out to the battlefield to catch

a glimpse at the results.

Prayer is the battle and it makes no difference where you are while you fight.

I prefer fighting at dawn where I can have a deeper sense of a close call to the guy with the

weapons. In that case I never run out.

Remember we are fighting in the spirit and the Lord is saying whatever you ask in my name I

will do. John 14:13. Wow!!

Are you working by praying or you work on the field? That is too draining. Fellows, we will win

the physical fight every single time we complete the spiritual fight.

How are you working on your prayer life? Are you taking it for granted? Aren't you scared to

face the world by yourself? I am, and that is why I am training and fighting daily in my locker

room with my Father.

Lets seek Him, let's call on Him and let’s trust and believe that when we pray and He said

whatsoever you ask in my name I will do, yes He will do it. Amen.