Learn From The Ant
/When you study ants very well, you will notice how amazing they are, and there is much wisdom we can learn from the way they get their tasks done. No wonder the book of Proverbs advises us to learn from this creature and gain wisdom. These are a few lessons among others to learn from ants not only for a lazy person but if we want to be fulfilled and excel in our endeavors.
Proverbs 6:6-9
“Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise,
Which, having no captain,
Overseer or ruler,
Provides her supplies in the summer,
And gathers her food in the harvest.
9How long will you slumber, O sluggard?”
Ants are hardworking. They are not lazy; they do not procrastinate as we do. They are time conscious, they make preparation for their food and save them ahead of each season – they think ahead and always on top of it! They have a patterned life within the shortest time to get their work done, so they are focused and goal-oriented. Do you merit these characteristics of the ants in getting things done on time to fulfill your purpose?
Ants work together in unity, which helps them to accomplish their tasks. They are very cooperative and friendly with each other. Do you work together as a team with your colleagues at work to record success, and to achieve the goal? Do you work as a family with others in the church to get things done with ease and on time?? Or do you pull apart or pull others down so that you can get credit for your doings?
Ants are responsible. They are involved, helpful, and participate to get their tasks done. There are varieties of needs to be met and work to do in the church. How helpful or lazy are you when it comes to the things of God? We create time for our jobs, do extra and excess, get along with our friends even when it is not convenient, perform activities, socialize together without mindful of what will cost us, etc. But how much time is spent for God who has given us the strength to work and be active? We maximize our time and find excuses for our creator.
Beloved, learn from the ants as they work together, plan, participate, diligent, and use their time
Ants are not quitters, they will always look for a way out. So you don’t have to be one! Be focused, be strong, ignore and avoid disturbance and distractions, persevere, so that you can achieve your purpose in life.