The Holy Spirit Helps Us
/Roman 8:26-27
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”
Have you ever been in a situation that gets you confused about what to do? Whether to pray or give up on the situation? Has it been a time you thought of what to pray for? Or probably you find prayer difficult? Always remember that in your weakness of those times, God still got your back. Even when you don’t have the right words to pray with, or you pray for what is not the best for you, the Holy Spirit is there to help you. God has not condemned us that we are weak and do not know how to pray, but that doesn’t mean you sit back and relax with a nonchalant attitude to say, God understands I don’t have to pray, the Holy Spirit is there at all times to do His job, or God knows all l need, why should I stress myself to pray. Probably you feel that after all, He is there when all these things are happening... No, you need to talk to God with a humble heart and lay it flat before him that you are helpless and don’t know what to do, what to pray for, nor how to pray.
Apostle Paul encourages us in these verses that God has not left us even in our weakness because we don’t know how to pray. In our weakness, the Holy Spirit who dwells in us hears us, intercedes on our behalf, and takes our prayers to the Father. Because the Father knows the mind of the Spirit perfectly, our request is granted in accordance with the will of the Father.
Do not be discouraged because you think you don’t know how to pray, or prayer is not easy, keep trying. Do not be discouraged to keep away from praying because your prayers have not been answered yet and do not feel too comfortable to stop praying because the Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf. The fact remains that prayer works according to the will of the Father, which is the best for us. Amen