Who is Like God?
/Our God is so great, mighty and glorious; who can be likened to Him? And what can resemble Him? Prophet Isaiah examined the images of other gods, and wonder the mistakes of men to attempt to compare our Creator with those images. Our God is incomparable, and no standard of whatsoever can represent Him. Moses is looking through the works of God and began to wonder who can be compared to the Almighty who created the universe, who parted the sea and perform wonders. He could not resist expressing His power through the song in Exodus 15:11, "Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, He could not resist expressing His power through the song in Exodus 15:11, "Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?” I perfectly agree with Moses that God’s glorious works and wonders are endless.
Isaiah 40:18
“To whom can God be compared? How can you describe what he is like?”
Do you know why you cannot find a likeness of God and in the things He has made? It is because His works are a revelation of Himself; God’s handiworks reveal to us who He is and everything demonstrates Him. Our God is unique; He reveals Himself to us in many ways as our banner, our rock, our shield, our shepherd, our strength, our fortress, our comforter, our provider, the great warrior in battle, our peace, our healer, and so on. We only need to depend more on Him and in His words and believe who God is so that His uniqueness as the Lord, sufficient, unlimited, incomparable, and unfathomable power will be real in us and in our lives. Amen.