He Knows
/David in Psalm 139 tells us about who God is - omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He was amazed at how well God knows him and acknowledged Him as the all-knowing God in verses 1-2.
We might not even know ourselves as much we think we know or pretend that we don't know who we are or what people think we are. I am not talking about the negative assumptions of people's beliefs about who we are and what we are not, but the truth of exactly who we are. People's assumptions about us might be right or wrong, but it is only the master detective who knows us so well even before we were formed. We cannot run away from Him because He is aware of everything we do, even our thoughts from afar as David said.
Psalm 139: 1-2
“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.”
David ran to God to vindicate him from people who have charged him unjustly, and the only person he could run to is God, who knows whether he was justified or not. If God doesn't know David as he described, how do you think he will be vindicated and redeemed from his enemies? Can you and l be in the position of David to say how well God knows us to fight for us?
This is a personal search that we cannot run away from. Recognizing God as the omniscient - all-knowing God is the best way to live right, and do things right for God to fight our cause. Always remember that God knows you and l, nothing is hidden and could be hidden from Him. May God help us. Amen