My Redeemer Lives
/God allowed Satan to afflict Job with different calamities, but He has much confidence in him and attest to his character that Job will remain faithful and committed to Him no matter what misfortune he encountered. He lost his wealth, his family, his health and even his friends, yet he never lost faith in God. He was left with only three of his friends, Eliphaz, Zophar, and Bildad and very unfortunate that these friends left were not supportive to Job’s problems but added to his misery. In all, Job expressed a confidence statement with assurance and hope that God will save his soul despite of his loss, the pain, and the suffering that his Redeemer lives. Job trusted in the Lord that one day, he will see God face to face, he would be justified, free and vindicated from troubles, trials, struggles and all.
Job 19:25
“I know that my redeemer lives,
and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”
What are your challenges? Is your experience near to Job’s? Have you been robbed of your joy? Has your hope been replaced with worry? Have your friends and families forsaken you? Have you been ridiculed, condemned, rejected or told to deny God? Relax, your Redeemer lives! He is in charge and total control of your situation. Don’t give up on God because He will never give up on you. Only trust Him just like Job did, and it will work out for you.
Jesus is our Redeemer. He is our advocate. He has bought us with a price, paid for our freedom, died in our place; so, there is no more condemnation, there would be no more pain, trials, problems and tribulations because everything will be put to an end. He has been there with and for us and He will continually be till eternity. Can you confidently say triumphantly in the midst of storm, dangers, obstacles and temptations, “As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives”.