Lost and Found
/Luke 15:18
“I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you,”
The statement of the prodigal son reveals a turning point in his life. He realized all he had done, came back to his senses and decided on returning home. After all, that was his father's house, and on his return, he received a fatherly love.
God is our Father, and He has a large heart and open hands in receiving us if we decide to go back to him. He has different ways of communicating with us to open our eyes to areas we need to make adjustments to our salvation. Are we like this prodigal son who felt he has done wrong and went back to his father for forgiveness? If we can return to our Father, we will be clothed with the robe of redeemer's righteousness and receive the spirit of adoption.
The prodigal son had a conviction to return to his father. Conviction is the key to realize that we are sinners, then come back to ourselves to decide between returning to God for forgiveness and restoration.