Check Your Antenna
/Proverbs 17:28
“Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.”
Do you really understand what God is saying to us in this scripture ? He is saying that you don't need to put your two cents in, unless He has given you something to say. If we learn how to have our spiritual antennas up, we would know when God is telling us to speak and when He says not to speak. My daily prayer as a pastor's wife is, Lord tell when to speak and when not to speak. If we learn to follow God's lead, we will find ourselves not offending people. Also when we use the power of discernment, we allow God time to prepare the heart of the individual so when we speak, their ears are open to listen. When we jump the gun and start telling people what we think we know, is when we get in trouble and offend people. This scripture says STOP, THINK, LISTEN FOR GOD'S VOICE then speak. When you practice this , you will find yourself not having to say I'm sorry if I've offended you. When you practice the stop, think and listen rule, you are now speaking what God told you to say versus what you think you ought to say. You must remember, that ALL wisdom and knowledge comes from GOD, so learn to rely on it. Be blessed people of God !