Earning What We Don't Deserve
/Titus 2:11
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,”
Since God the Father and God the Son made that choice to give us what we don't deserve, which is grace, and withhold from us what we do deserve, which is mercy. Now what are YOU doing with this gesture of unmerited favor? Are you telling others about THEM or are you hiding the fact that you know THEM? Are you living a life that says I'm a new creature in the Kingdom, or are you living a life that still holds on to the old nature even though you know THEM? Do you speak truth or do you speak lies? Do you encourage and lift up others or do you gossip and tear down others? Are you fighting the prince of the earth with the Word of God or are you fighting him with your fist and the words from the book of YOU? Are you ALL IN for God the Father and God the Son or are you trying to be on both good and evil's side? How are you showing that you deserve this undeserved Grace that God has shown us?