The Company You Keep
/Proverbs 13:20
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
Haven’t you heard that knowledge is power? When you learn something, you can apply what you learn and even teach others. It is important that you watch who you hang out with. If you hang out with people who are going nowhere, you will find yourself going nowhere. Hanging around unmotivated people, makes you become unmotivated. You must watch the company you keep! It goes the same way when it comes to the things of God. If you hang around people who have no interest in the things of God, you will find yourself on a slippery slope of not caring if you learn what God expects of you. You will start walking in your own will instead of walking in the will of God. If the people you associate with are doing and saying foolish things, you will find yourself saying and doing foolish things. If the company you keep is uneducated about God, you who was brought up in church will start taking on those same uneducated characteristics. I started out by saying that knowledge is power. The word of God says in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” This scripture tells us clearly that we will be destroyed because we have rejected the word of God which is knowledge. You cannot gain this knowledge if you are hanging around people who have no desire to learn and educate themselves about the things of God. The word says because you have rejected His knowledge, He will reject you and your children. I don’t know about you, but I would not want to be rejected or my children rejected by God the Father because of my foolishness. You don’t have to be rejected because all you need to do is start seeking His knowledge in your life. Stop hanging around people who do not have a desire to know the things of God. These people are bringing you down socially and spiritually, not to mention emotionally too. You are hanging on to these unwise people hoping to better them but you are failing and they are winning. In other words, you are looking, acting and thinking like them instead of them elevating to your level, you are sinking to their level. Another area we take on the characteristics of an unbeliever or unwise person is when death comes knocking at your door. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13 the word of God says, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.” What is the Lord saying here? He is talking about when people die, that we should not be crying like people who don’t know that to be absent from the body, for those who believe, is to be present with the Lord. Guess what? If you hang around unwise people who do not know or want to know what the word of God says about death then you will find yourself being ignorant to the fact that we who know Christ do not weep as if we have no hope because we know our hope, and our trust is in God the Father. If you are hanging out with unwise people who do not have any interest in the things of God , then I suggest you shake loose from those people because you will find yourself in the end looking like a fool because all this time in your life you have been hanging out with fools that now have you missed the mark of the high calling and on your way to a burning hell. You don’t want this to happen, so stop, look and listen around you, if the word of God is not the focus around you, then it is time to bow out. I say the focus because if God the Father is the focus then all the other desires and wants you are seeking for will be added unto you if it is in His will. The scripture says wise friends make you wise and fools make you to be a fool too.