Forever Thankful!
/1 Chronicles 16:34
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever“
This day and every day is a day of Thanksgiving! Everyday you wake up, you should awake with a praise on your lips that God decided to wake you up. I’m thankful for so many things and I know you are too! I’m thankful that God chose me and by Him choosing me, He gave me my wonderful, God fearing, preaching, teacher, Pastor George Effiom. Then He gave me my 4 children and adorable grandchildren. Because He chose me to live for Him, He gave me peace and joy that this world doesn’t know anything about. Because He chose me, I have 2 families, my immediate family and my church family. These two families were put together to strengthen me and pour into me so that I can be all God would have me to be. I don’t deserve His love and kindness toward me but I’m thankful that He chose me. I’m grateful that He called me for a purpose to serve in His Kingdom. This is my ultimate joy, that I have the opportunity to serve and spread His Word and love to all who will listen. This great God we are thankful for can be all you need and want Him to be. All you must do is surrender ALL to Him. Let Him lead and guide you all the way. The road may not be easy or smooth all the time, but it is so rewarding, and the good thing about this God we serve is that even in the midst of the rocky road, He is there. In the midst of the smooth road, He is there! He is there all the time because He is a God that cannot lie. His word says, “I will never leave nor forsake you.” I can testify to this promise from Him. He is an able God that can see you through. I’ve gone on and on about my God’s provision toward me, but I know you have your own reasons why you are thankful to the one and only God we serve. So why don’t you share a few on this platform and be a blessing to someone on this Thanksgiving Day!
Happy Thanksgiving from Kim E. Ministries!