Quench Your Thirst
/How many of you are craving for God’s presence in your daily life? I’m not ashamed to say that I long for His presence everyday. I want Him to walk with me and talk with me as I travel this Christian journey. I don’t ever want to feel like He has left me. I want to always be under His Grace and Mercy. So how can you feel His presence everyday? You must first turn your back on sin. We are human, so yes we will mess up but don’t mess up on stuff you know He has said is wrong. Only through His Word and talking with Him daily can a person seek to turn their back on sin. If you only read your Bible once a week, you will struggle with living a life that pleases Him. If you only talk with Him occasionally, you will struggle with living a life that pleases Him. He must be a part of your lifestyle in order for you to have a chance at living a life that pleases Him. I truly thirst for Him daily because I know He is the only way I am going to survive in this wicked world we live in. So when you are so busy being busy, stop and ask yourself, Have I talked to God in the last hour? If not, take some time to talk with Him, even if it is to say thank you. Stop and do it. Start making conscience efforts to communicate with God and He will start communicating with you too.
Be blessed!
Psalms 42:2
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.When shall I come and appear before God?