Joy Comes in the Morning
/The Word of God also says, “Weeping May endure for a night but joy will come in the morning.” This joy will only come if you faint not, which means don’t start doubting God in His infinite power. Don’t decide that God is operating too slow for you, so you will handle the situation yourself. Don’t turn your back on God because life is hard. Children of God just hold on until He bless you!! Don’t let go under no circumstances! Remember He is with you in the valley as well as on the mountain top. Remember In His Word He says, “He will never leave you, nor forsake you.” He is a God that cannot lie, so trust Him! Trust His Word and truly your weeping will turn to joy in the morning. I’m trusting Him, are you?
Psalms 126:5
“Those who sow in tears
Shall reap in joy.”