The Ultimate Sacrifice
/As we remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let’s also remember His HUMILITY while on earth. This characteristic is one that is hard for some people, because you must put yourself last. We are creatures of habit and our first instinct is to think of satisfying ourselves before others but if you truly want to be like Christ, you must put others needs before your own. He did when He left His home in Glory to come and redeem us back to His Father. Another characteristic Christ had is OBEDIENCE. He was obedient unto death. Many of us have our own mind and instead of us following the Word of God, we are always trying to adapt the Word of God to suit our own purpose but you will find yourself in a better position if you were obedient to the way Christ has told us to live. The Word of God says that obedience is better than sacrifice. This means that it is better to do what Christ has said for us to do instead of experiencing the consequences behind foolish decisions. To be honest some of us learn better through our consequences but why go the hard way when Christ has clearly laid out the way we should live while on this earth. Another characteristic of our beloved Savior is His SACRIFICE. He sacrificed His life for us. He died for us. Now He has not asked any of us to sacrifice our lives for another man, but he has asked us to sacrifice self for Him. He wants you and I to surrender all to Him. He is looking for willing participants who will say for God I live and for God I will die. He is looking for Saints who will put Him above everything else like He did when He died on that cross. Above all the things He could have done in Glory, He sacrificed Himself for us. As we remember this season, let’s make a commitment to be more like Christ each passing day.
Be blessed!
Philippians 2:8
“And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”