Living Witness
/Did you know that one of the things God requires of us is to witness to all about His goodness? When we tell others of His goodness, He is able to take our testimony and use it for His glory. When we witness to others, it strengthens, soothes and comforts them. It allows people to see what He has done for us and know if He did it for us who are sinners saved by His Grace, then He can also do it for them. Our God is awesome in all His ways and He deserves our total praise. We know that without Him in our lives, we would be lost, so it is important to tell others that without Christ in your life, you are aimlessly walking this earth with no real purpose or direction. But with Him, your life will have a joy and peace this world could never give. Step out people of God and let others know about the righteousness of God! You will be blessed!
Psalms 22:31
“They shall come, and shall declare His righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.”