Weeping May Endure For A Night
/Let me encourage you today that even though you are in a season of weeping, don’t give up because my God has said that your joy is on the way. I know things are difficult for you right now but be encouraged that you have a Savior that has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He is a God that cannot lie. I know the physical eye sees no end to this storm, but I want you to look at this storm through your spiritual eye. When we analyze things through our faith, we know this too will past. We know that this is just a test of our faith and as Job said, “though he slay me, yet will I trust Him.” When trials come in our lives, we can only rely on our faith in God. We can only say Lord this hurts, but I know you love me and care for me. Let me encourage you to put a praise on your lips while you are riding out this storm. Talk to your God and tell Him of His goodness. Tell Him all the promises that He has promised you in His Word. Let Him know that you know He is always on time and you will never curse Him or turn your back on Him. Let Him know in your weakness His is strong. Let Him know you know that He will never put more on you than you can bear. During this trying period in your life, you must keep the communication open with God so satan can’t fill your head with lies and confusion. You must let your God know that you understand that His ways are not your ways and His thoughts not your thoughts, but you trust Him still, despite what it looks like on the outside. The only way you are going to make it out of this storm is through prayer and holding on to your faith because this is the only way you can be renewed day by day even though the outer self is feeling the burden and pain. You must remember that faith is substance of things HOPED for, not the evidence of things SEEN. My brother and sister also know you are not alone, so you too must remember that their is strength in numbers. Don’t do this thing alone, reach out to another saint and let them pray along side of you. You know God does send help, but you must be open to receive that help, rather it’s physical or spiritual help, just be open to receive it. That’s why when you are going through your storm you must keep your spiritual antennas up so you can see the help God is sending you, or the Word He is placing in your spirit to be encouraged. Trust Him today people of God and know that He is with you and it is going to get better day by day.
Be blessed!
2 Corinthians 4:16
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.”