You're Covered, Now Commit
/When you become a child of the King, He has you covered. Even when we mess up, the Lord still has us covered. Now who would not want to be on the side of a King that looks beyond our faults and sees our needs? The Lord is really the best friend you could have. He loves us unconditionally, in spite of our evil ways. He came to this earth over 2000 years ago and walked this earth for us. He carried our sins of past, present and future on the cross. He died for us, so we would not have to go to hell, but have a choice to reign with Him when He returns. Now what He showed us is His unconditional love. Now all He wants from us is our commitment to Him. He wants to have a personal relationship with each of us. So is there anything holding you back from making that commitment to Him? All you need to do is to take that one step forward. If you take one step forward, He will honor that step of faith and take two steps toward you. Your life will never be the same with Christ on your side. If you have not made that commitment to Christ, then do it today. Ask Him to come into your heart. Confess with your mouth that you are a sinner and believe that He died on the cross for you and rose again for you. Tell Him that you believe He has gone back to His Father to prepare a home for you. Tell Him that you are sold out for Him and there is no turning back. If you believe in the Lord, you are covered and He will bless your commitment to Him.
Be blessed!
Genesis 15:6
“And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.”