Do You Know Your ABC's?
/Have you decided where you want to go when your life is over? Have you figured out how to get there? Have you started making preparations to get there? My answer to all 3 questions is YES!! What are your answers? Life is but a vapor, so while you are here, you must make good use of your time. For those of us who are Heaven bound, know that the only way to get to Heaven is not through our works alone but through our belief in Jesus Christ. We know that one must Accept that we are sinners, Believe that Jesus died for the sins we’ve committed, whether past, present or future, and lastly we must Confess that Jesus is the Son of God and in Him alone do I trust with my life. Yes, this process to Heaven starts with the ABC’s to eternal life. It is just that simple! Now those of us who have done the ABC to eternal life, know the preparation is a process of highs and lows. We know satan is own our trail trying to throw every stumbling block in our path to make us fall. But we also know that if we are going to the Father, we must keep our eyes on the cross, we must keep our hands in the Master’s hands, we must keep our spiritual antennas up at all times, and we must be in continuous prayer. We know these few steps will lead us to the only one who can take us to where we want to go, which is to the Father in Heaven. If you are reading this post and you want to join us on this quest to where there is only joy, peace and time to do nothing but praise God all day, then start with the ABC’s to eternal life and then keep Jesus in your sight in everything you do and you are on your way!
John 14:6
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”