The King of Glory
/Proverbs 18:10
“The Lord is like a strong tower, where the righteous can go and be safe.”
Who is the King of glory? The Lord God strong and mighty! Who is the King of glory? The Lord God who is mighty in battle! Whatever you need or want, my God has it for you. If you need healing, He is the great physician. If you need protection, He is the best protector. If you need deliverance, He is the Savior of the world. If you need provision, He is the best provider. If you need a leaning post, He is there.
If you need someone to talk to, He is a great listener. If you need direction, He is the best guide. Whatever you need, God’s got it! Whatever you want, God’s got it! What is so disturbing to me are those people of faith who live as if there is no hope. Our God is our hope for today, tomorrow and forever more. He is our joy in sorrow. Our God will stick closer to you than any other. Our God is greater, stronger and higher than any other. He is awesome and all powerful! Do you you know Him? Have you tried Him? He is alright with me. He is the reason I’m alive today. He is the reason I can lift my hands and say as long as I have Him in my life, I can make it. As long as I have Him, I can stand. No matter what may come my way, I don’t know about you, but my life is in His hands. He is my rock and shield and I can run to Him and He will hide me from all hate, harm and danger. There’s a song that says “who can I turn to when there’s no one to to turn to? “ The song says, “I go to the rock of my salvation. I go to the rock that the builders rejected. I go to the mountain and the mountain stands by me.” When I need a shelter, when I need a friend, I go to the Rock. My God is my Rock, in Him I live and breath. There is no one like Him, so stop running around saints like you have nobody. You have the King of kings on your side so let Him do what no one else can do and that is keep you from the storm. He can keep you during the storm and He can keep you after the storm. Trust Him today and be blessed!