The Faith of Abraham
/Genesis 22:5
“And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.””
I know you know the story of Abraham and the ram in the bush, but have you really paid attention to what Abraham told his servants before leaving with Isaac? This is a clear example of what faith is really about. When you have real faith that God has your situation under control, then you can speak it into existence like Abraham. Abraham knew what God asked him to do and he OBEYED. If you have true faith in God, then you will be obedient to what He has asked of you, eventhough you don't understand the request. Next thing I noticed about Abraham's faith, is that he was not RELUCTANT. Eventhough Abraham might not have understood the request of God, he did not procrastinate. You don't realize it, but your procrastination on what God has requested of you, could make you miss the ram in the bush He has prepared for you. Also Abraham's faith was evident in verse 5 when he spoke and said, "the lad and I will go to worship and WE will come back to you. " When he said WE will come back, was a sign of his faith in God. He had the faith that God would not take His son away. When you have real faith, you will act on it, speak it and believe it is already done. Eventhough you can't physically see or understand how it will happen, your faith in God will make it so. Children of God have FAITH and never doubt and watch how God works things out for you!!