Renew Your Mind
/1 John 2:15
“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
As I think about 1 John 2:15, I know many people wonder how can I live in this world and not fall into the trap of loving the things that come with this world? I say by the renewing of your mind. When you said yes to Christ, you said no to the prince of this world and that is satan. In Romans 12:2 it talks about not conforming to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. There is another scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that talks about if you are in Christ, old things are in your past and new things, which is God, is in your future. Earlier I mentioned that the way to not follow or love the things in this world is by the renewing of your mind. This means studying what God hates that this world has to offer like lust , pride, vengeance, immorality, corruption, I could go on, but anything that is not of God is from the prince of this world. Not only should you study God's Word, but you also need to remove yourself from people that are a bad influence in your life. I know this can be hard, but if you are weak and vulnerable in your walk with Christ, then it is better you drop those people that are stronger in worldly things than you are in your faith. Also if you are going to renew your mind then you must connect with a Bible believing church. This type of church is preaching nothing but the Gospel, meaning everything that is preached you can find it in the Word of God. Everything I've mentioned today are steps you must take in order to stop loving the world and the things in this world. It is a process, but it can be done with God's power over your life.