Come As You Are
/Some people think we must get rid of all the wrong stuff we do BEFORE we give our life to Christ. Well that is a misconception because the Word of God says first you must COME to The Master and repent of your sins, which is admitting that you are a sinner. So if you are admitting you are a sinner, then that means the Master didn't ask you to get cleaned up BEFORE you COME to Him. But what you must have is an humble heart and a desire to get rid of all the garbage in your life. Once the desire is there and you have submitted yourself to Christ, He will send the Holy Spirit to dwell in you. The Holy Spirit's job is to guide you through this maze of life by introducing you to the Word of God. The more Word you place in your life, the more you will desire to be like the King of Kings. Your desire to be like the Savior will be the key factor that will help you to clean out the garbage in your life.
James 1:21
“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”
Have you heard the statement that says what you put in is what comes out? Well if you put the Word in, the garbage in your life has to get out so the Word of God you are gaining can manifest through your life. Once the Word is implanted in your life, you are moving toward being complete in Christ.
Do know that it is a process because eventhough you have given your life to Christ, the enemy that use to be your friend and partner in crime is now your number one enemy. He will always be on your trail, but the closer you get to Christ the more He will block those fiery darts the enemy throws your way. Come to Christ as you are and let His Word in you filter out the unwanted garbage.