Grass & Flowers
/And like the grass that can be cut and the flower that can be picked, the things in your life that are slowing you down or making you worry will too be cut down in your life.
These stumbling blocks that satan puts in your path to make you sin against God will be plucked out of your life. So be STEADFAST, IMMOVABLE always abounding yourself in the work of Lord. TRUST the Lord your God with ALL your heart and DO NOT lean to your own understanding. BELIEVE He can make the impossible possible.
1 Peter 1:24
“For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,”
PRAISE the Lord with ALL your heart and soul. Be PATIENT in your wait time and remember that every thing that happens in your life, whether good or bad works together for your good because you LOVE the Lord. If you have FAITH in these things I have mentioned, whatever is disturbing you will pass away just like the grass and the flower.
So my brother and sister hold on to the WORD of God that never changes and watch God work it out for you. He will do it, I know He will!! I am a witness to the power of our God!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!