Welcome to the Family
/Exodus 14:14
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.””
When you say yes to the Almighty King of Kings, you become a part of the Royal family. Now that you are in His family, you have the privilege of taking everything to the Lord in prayer. When you take your needs, desires, and wants to the Lord in prayer, you should at that point take your hands off. When you take your hands off, then you are saying Lord I TRUST you with my life and whatever your will is for me I accept. When the Lord knows you TRUST Him, He will work on your behalf. He will protect you. He will as the scripture says, fight your battle. When the Lord fights for you, it is done and it is what you need at that moment. If you find yourself in a place of discontent because the Lord is not listening to you, it is usually because of one or two reasons. These two reasons are: 1. It was not in His will for your life. 2. YOU decided to take back what what you left in His care. When you say I TRUST you Lord, then mean it and know that His way is always the best way. I don't know about you, but I'm glad I'm on the Lord's side.
Be blessed!