Just Tell the Truth
/Lying will get you nowhere, so why do you lie? People have many foolish reasons why they lie, but all of their reasons do not settle well with the God who said, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” God talks about lying in the Bible a lot. He says a lying tongue hates his victims....... Prov. 26:28. There is another scripture that tell us that a lying tongue will not go unpunished. Prov. 19:5 Colossians 3:9-10 says, “Do not lie one to another, seeing that you have put off the old self........ I could keep going but you can see in these 3 scriptures that lying will get you nowhere in God’s eyes except punished. When you tell one lie, most of the time you will have to tell another lie, and then the plot thickens. You just keep falling from God’s grace. You just keep digging yourself into a deeper hole. Is telling a big or small lie worth falling from God’s grace? In fact, we are the ones who talk about big and small lies, God just talks about a lie is a lie. If you lie, you have just sinned before the God you serve. Some people claim that a lie is necessary in some cases and I say you are so wrong. A lie is never necessary. When you lie and think it was necessary, you just stop trusting God to get you through whatever it was you thought you had to lie about. Yes, a lie means you don’t trust or believe God can help you through. When you lie, you have start putting more trust in yourself rather than God.
Exodus 20:16
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”
I must confess, I have been caught up in lies for my selfish reasons instead of trusting God to work it out on my behalf, and I never came out the better for it. Some of us, even me have been caught lying to bill collectors for example. You know I’m telling the truth, but why? The reason is because for that moment you thought lying was the quickest way to get the bill collector off the phone and for that quick second you put more trust in you than in the God you serve. This is another tactic from our enemy and we fall for it every time. We start thinking selfishly instead of trusting God to handle even our every day to day affairs. People of God don’t be deceived by the enemy, start practicing being truthful in everything that comes from your mouth. I’ve learned the hard way, but now when I see a lie coming from my mouth, I say Lord help and forgive me.
I know today’s scripture talks about lying on one another, but I wanted to stress that lying in any form is not pleasing to the God we serve. Make a vow today that you will not, by God’s strength allow your lips to speak untruthfulness. Make a vow today that you will trust God with every aspect of your life and not lie for self gain. It is well my brother and sister because even though you might be caught up in a lie now or have lied in the past, we serve a forgiving God, so just surrender to Him now and ask for forgiveness for the lies you have told or for the lie you are in right now. Once you seek His forgiveness, He is just and He will forgive.