Let God Handle It
/It does not pay when you try to take things into your own hands without the Lord. You should never do things on your own and that includes paying someone back for doing you wrong. When someone does something wrong to you, the first thing you should do is take it to the Lord to handle it for you. Haven’t you heard of vengeance is mine said the Lord? Well it is His if you take it to Him in prayer. You must remember that you are the child of a King and no one can attack a child of the King and get away with it. You must stay on your knees when people try to do wrong by you. If you take your situation to the Lord, He will work it out on your behalf as long as you keep your hands off the situation.
1 Thessalonians 5:15
“See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.”
To be honest with you, your focus should be on treating others with fairness, respect and grace. The same way God has dealt with you throughout your walk with Him. The word of God tells to do good one to another. You have been called out to be the salt of the earth. Reaching others through God’s word. You can’t reach others if your hands are dirty. You can’t reach others if your focus is own revenge, that’s the Lord’s job. Your focus should be on doing good to all, regardless who they are or who they associate themselves with. Our job as believers is to trust God’s word and show grace just as God has shown us grace. We are to show love and patience with people just as the Lord has shown us time and time again. So start today by letting the Lord work on those that despitefully use you, and you work on doing good by people and let your light so shine so people may see Christ through you. Can you do this people of God? Sure you can!! All things are possible with Christ on your side!