Praise Him Through the Storm
/Here is another one of God’s promises to His Children. If you delight in Him, He will delight Himself in you. He will put a hedge of protection around you. He will be your fortress. He will be your leaning post. There is no need to worry when you have God on your side. The Lord is good all the time. His mercy endures forever and ever. He is there with you in your good times as well as your bad times. Don’t allow the enemy to get you all balled up in knots, telling you that you are alone. Children of God, you are never alone as long as you put your trust in God.
Now what I do want you to remember to do as you journey through life, is to not only praise the Lord when things are going well, but also praise Him when you are in the thick of your storm. Yes, praise Him and thank Him for He is worthy at all times to be praised and adored. You can never go wrong when God is in your life. He can deliver you from any storm or hold your hand through your storm. Right now as I write this post to you, I am in a storm. I have been in this storm of sickness for 3 solid weeks, but I have continued to praise Him. I have continued to write devotionals. I have continued to read His word for understanding. He has been with me throughout this storm and He is safely bringing me out of it.
Nahum 1:7
“The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
I praise Him today because I am not telling you what I have heard, but I am telling you what I know. God is good and I give Him all the glory and honor for who He is in my life. People, it is good to have a personal relationship with the Father. When you go through storms, you don’t have to ask why me but you can spend what energy you have giving Him praise because you know that He is with you. You know He will never leave nor forsake you. You know He is a burden barrier. You know He is a way out of no way. You know He can turn things around in your life. You know trials come to make you stronger not tear you down to no return. We don’t serve a God that wants to destroy you, that’s what the enemy wants to do to you. God wants to always teach us lessons and He wants us to experience certain things so we can help someone else along the way. He wants us to grow closer to Him. He wants us to trust Him and lean not to our own understanding. God is worthy of all our praise. He is able . He is abundantly able to do whatever you could ask or think. Today know that God is good and He protects those who trust Him. He is our refuge in times of trouble. Trust Him today and you will make it!