What Would Jesus Say?
/We must watch what we say and how we say it. The tongues is a two edged sword and it can be used to lift people up or tear them down. You should always think first before you open your mouth. You should always seek wisdom from God instead of your own thinking or the way you heard somebody else handle the situation. As Christians we are suppose to encourage one another and guide each other to God’s truth.
The way you answer someone goes a long way, even if you are telling them they were wrong, the way you tell them goes further than what you tell them. So it is important the way you address people on a daily basis.
Proverbs 15:1
“A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”
In my line of work, I come across people daily. Many times people try my patience and when I notice them trying to get under my skin, I seek the Lord for strength, patience and wisdom to deal with them the way He would deal with them. If you read your Bible, you know the way the Lord dealt with people was loving, firm and with authority. He never belittled anyone, and He never backed down either. He told them straight up what was right and what was wrong. The way Christ dealt with people is the way I want to deal with people. It is not easy because I am human and I have flaws too, but I have learned when I notice people trying my patience level, I immediately ask God to tell me the words to say and the ability to say it in the right spirit. I will tell you that He has never failed me yet. He gives me immediate feedback because I have learned and accepted the fact that there is no me without Christ. In my prayer time, I tell Him that I need you at all times because there is no me without you guiding me every step of the way.
You too must know that you need Him in every aspect of your life and that includes the way you address people. As the scripture says today, we must be gentle in our answer so the response can come back gently.
If we follow the way the Lord dealt with people, then we would be seen as a person with a Christlike demeanor. We should strive everyday to be more like Christ in EVERYTHING we do and say.