Does He Know You?
/Galatians 5: 22-23
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”
My question this morning is does the Lord know you, or does He know of you? This question is usually asked in reverse, people say do you know the Savior or do you know of the Savior? There is one word difference in the middle of that question and it is the word "of". When you know a person , means you have built a relationship with them. When you know "of" someone, means you have seen them around, people have told you about them, but you DO NOT KNOW THEM PERSONALLY. So my question again is does the Lord know you or know of you? Do you spend time with Him daily, or sometimes? Do you read His word daily, or sometimes? Can a person identify you as a child of the King, or they get mixed messages from you? Do you tell others about the Lord, or does He rarely come out of your mouth? Do you practice the fruit of the Spirit daily or sometimes? When you think about all of these questions, are you on the left side of the word "or", or the right side? If you are on the left, then the Lord knows you. If you find yourself on the right, then He knows of you. The book of Matthew 7:16 says, "By their fruit you will recognize them." Each day we should strive to know the Master. Each day the fruit we bear should be producing more fruit. Our fruit should come from the True Vine, not from thorn bushes, or thistles. If you feel the Lord knows of you, then make a change today, accept Him truly into your heart. Commune with Him daily. Start going to Bible study to learn about Him. When you develop your relationship with Him, then the "of " disappears and now He knows you and you can say you know Him.