Stand Up for Jesus
/As we walk this Christian road, God has commanded us to be bold and courageous. He is looking for those that will stand up for what is right in His eyes, but Christians today are too passive. We know what is right in the eyes of God, but we look the other way. We down play and water down everything. We say oh they're young and I was young once, they'll grow out of it. God didn't call you out from among everybody to be passive. He called you out to be bold and proclaim what is good and right in His eyes. God doesn’t need any coward soldiers. He is looking for those that will stand up for what is right!
There is a song that says, "Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross. Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory, His army shall He lead. Till every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed."
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
This song is saying that we must stand up for what is God's truth until the enemy is defeated. The song says the Lord will be with you until the end, so don't be afraid, just stand for Him. We cannot continue to turn a blind eye to what we know is wrong. We must remember that we were called out for a purpose and that is to lead more people to the cross. What God told Joshua in this chapter is what He is telling us today. As we proclaim His name, we need to be courageous not timid, strong not weak, bold not passive because He is with us everywhere we go.
Let me warn you to always pray for His power before you make a stand for what is right, because you will fail in your power. When we seek HIS POWER , you will be able to fight that battle and come out alive. You might get bruised a little but you will heal and be ready for the next battle. Let me sound the alarm and say CHRISTIANS! CHRISTIANS stop being passive, be strong, be courageous! Do not be terrified or intimidated for God is with you every step of the way. This is His promise to you and He cannot lie.
Be blessed!