Strive To Be Like Christ
/Galatians 6:10
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Everyday we are to strive to be more like Christ. If you are going to be like Him, talk like Him, act like Him, then the first thing you must do is develop a relationship with Him through His word and prayer. When you are around Him, His presence will soon engulf you and then you can began to do good to those that spitefully use you without it being a major concern. You can witness and tell others about your new friend, comforter, company keeper, mind regulator, strong tower, etc. The more you are around Him, the more you will be like Him. Now you must know that we will never be exactly like Him because He is perfect in all His ways and we are sinners who mess up but saved by His precious grace. As you become more involved with who He is, then you will be able to do good by people and not look for anything in return. You will find yourself giving to others in need and receiving blessings that you won’t have room to receive. Our God who owns everything is never short of anything your heart needs or desires. He has said in His word that He will give you the desires of your heart if you seek Him first. Seeking Him will open opportunities to do good to people. This is what Christ did in His last 3 to 4 years before His death. He walked this earth doing nothing but good. Some people accepted His kindness but there were others who rejected Him. I said that to say that there will be people who will reject you, but have no fear because the Savior is with you all the way on this journey. You just keep your eyes on Him and let Him give you wisdom that will help in Kingdom building.
Be blessed while you serve others.