Your Body Is A Temple
/The word of God is saying that by now you should know that your body don’t really belong to you. You body is the temple of God. It is the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit who was sent to guide you through this maze of life.
1 Corinthians 3:16
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”
Paul wrote this passage of scripture to the church at Corinth because like us today they were trying to do everything in their own strength. They knew God, but they did not trust Him. They felt like many of you today, you need to give God a hand. Please, let me inform you that God does not need your help. In fact, God does not need any of us. God in all His glory reached down and chose you to be a vessel in His army. So since He decided to choose you and you decided to accept Him into your life. Then know that when you said yes to Him, you freely released yourself to Him and the Holy Spirit. With that being said, your body does not belong to you anymore. Your body is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and because it is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, we are to watch what we do to our bodies. We are to watch what we allow in and on our bodies. We are to listen to the Spirit of God and walk in holiness because God is holy. We are to walk in all righteousness because God is righteous. We are to be peaceful because God is peace. We are to show love one to another because God is love. We are to walk in total submission to God the Father and God the Son. We should trust God in all things. We should stop trying to do things in our own way and submit everything to God. Let the Spirit of God lead you to victory in Jesus name. Stop doing things the wrong way and let God be God in your life.