The Reason for the Season
/Matthew 1:21
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
When I think about this time of year, it is a symbolic month when we received the Savior of the world. This month symbolizes when Jesus took on the flesh of man to introduce Himself to man. He came with a purpose and fulfilled His purpose. Now we have a choice to receive Him and all His Glory or reject Him. Many people have chosen to receive Him. Many people have been killed because they chose Him, but still there are those who are half in or not in at all. There or those and you know some of them who are so happy about receiving gifts, but have not fully committed their life to the reason why this man made holiday even exist. This time of year is all about giving because God was the first to give us His only begotten Son so we could live for eternity with Him when our time on earth comes to an end. Truly this season is about giving and receiving because we were given the best gift of all when Jesus was born in human flesh. Those of us who have received Him are better off today than we were without Him. But what disturbs me during this time of year are the many people, Christians included, who completely dismiss a time in their schedule to praise this wonderful Savior for the many things He has done in their lives. We know the non Christian have no clue, but for those of us who know better, what is the excuse for dismissing a time to praise Him openly and publicly just like you go to all these holiday parties and celebrate and praise each other but do not praise the one who gave us the reason to celebrate during this month of December. Let’s not loose focus people of God and let’s help others regain their focus to leave time to celebrate Mary’s baby, God’s Son, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Let’s remember to celebrate and praise the real reason for this season, the Great