Speak the Real Truth
/John 1:12
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”
People all over the world talking about speak your truth or their rights, but if the same emphasis was placed on the real truth, people would find out that those who accept Christ as the Savior have inherited the Kingdom of God, in fact God has given you the right to speak His truth. He has claimed you as His child and with that authority over your life, nothing is impossible that God has given His will for it to be. We struggle in life because our emphasis are on what the world sees as truth. If we would let God lead and guide us through this life He has given us, we would find strength to endure the pressure this world inflicts upon us and the courage to speak the real truth given to us by God almighty. What is the real truth? The real truth is that God gave His Son. The real truth is that His Son, Jesus, gave His life on a cross for our sins. The real truth is that He didn’t stay in that borrowed tomb, in fact He came out the tomb with All power in His hands to move things around on your behalf. The real truth is that because Jesus arose, you and I have been given a choice to choose Him and live eternally with Him when this world’s time is up. The real truth is that you still have time to get the real truth in your life, so accept Jesus today and start telling this dying world about the real truth, the truth about whom the Son sets free is free indeed. The real truth about there is power in prayer. The real truth that Jesus is the light of this world. The real truth that The Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. The real truth that the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. There are many more truths about this great God we serve, so tell us about the truth you know. Please share on this forum.
God bless you for sharing the truth!