Give God Your Problems
/Isaiah 41:13
““For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’”
We serve a Great Big God who has said, "I will help you." He is a God that cannot lie. If He said it, He will keep His promise. Now all you need to do is surrender your all to Him and trust Him. When you give your problems, and worries to the Master, do not pick them up again. If you wonder why things take so long to get right, well it is because of YOU. You start out right by taking your hurt, pain, and worries to God, but then you are not patient enough to let Him fix your situation. In Psalms 141, David was praying for deliverance from sinners,and he asked God to keep the door of his mouth and keep his eyes on thee. David was seeking God to help Him, and he wanted to trust God until He answered his prayer. He knew he might mess up because of lack of patience, so that's why he asked God to keep his mouth and eyes. He didn't want to take his concerns to God and then mess up by trying to solve the problem on his own. We need to also do like David, when we take our pain and worries to God, then also pray that you are patient enough to let God fix it in his time, not your time. God is clearly telling you in Isaiah that He will help you. Now all you need to do is take your problems to God in prayer and leave them there. When He fixes your situation, it is fixed indeed.
Be blessed !