We Represent Christ
/Ephesians 4:29
“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”
When you confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior, the way you conduct yourself and the words you speak should only be used to uplift those who need encouragement or advice. Many times we forget about this scripture and people become confused about who we represent. People should never be confused about who we are in Christ Jesus, and you shouldn't either. Christ never lost focus of who He represented. He always spoke truth even though sometimes people didn't like what He had to say. I know you are saying I can't be like Christ because He was perfect and He never sinned and I would say you are correct, but that's why He left the Holy Spirit. Now are you relying on the Holy Spirit would be my question? Many times as Christians we like to choose when to talk right and when we can be loose mouthed, but the Word of God didn't say you have freedom to talk as you please. The Word of God said to not let any negative speech come from your mouth. In fact, the Word said our speech should be helpful and encouraging to those who will listen. Now you being helpful and encouraging doesn't mean people will always agree with you. Don't worry about that because many times the words Christ spoke, which was uplifting, truthful, and encouraging, was rejected. What you should be concerned about is always representing Christ well and relying on the Holy Spirit to tell you when to speak and when to be quiet.
Be blessed!