Practicing Humility

Today’s word is HUMBLE. This word means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. In other words, you are showing meekness, and humility. You are not putting yourself above anyone else. If you want to enter the Kingdom of God, you must put away foolish things, you must have a repentant heart, you must put away boastfulness, and put on the innocent heart of a child. A child when born, even though born into a sinful world, does not show hate. A child only knows good and sees everything as the same. A child will play with another child of a different race. They will share with someone they don’t even know. Their actions as an innocent child is the way Christ wants us to act. Christ is telling us today that a converted heart that does not hate, that does not boast,envy, backbite will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, you must put on the heart of Christ if you want to go to Heaven. Humble is the way says the Lord!
God bless!

Matthew 18:3

“and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”