Train Them Up
/What does this verse really mean, one might ask? I have wondered this thought many times, because I’ve seen children raised in church go astray and don’t really come back. Well my thoughts are that this scripture does not just mean take them to church or put them in church activities, but it means to instill in them the Word of God. Teach them about what it really means to have faith. If you want your child to never depart from it, you must teach them yourself. You must instill in them the importance of having a prayer life. Many of us take our kids to church and depend on the Sunday school teacher to teach them the word of God. Yes they are suppose to but you cannot let that be the end of it. There are so many distractions at church, your child is probably receiving a third or less of what is being taught. The Word of God says train up a child in the way he should go. This training must start at home while they are young, not when they are a teenager. I personally think that is too late in their life. If you want to impact their life with the Word, then it must start in their formative years. These are the critical years of a child. This is the stage they are soaking up everything whether good or bad. When you truly teach your child why we were created and the importance of having a prayer life, then you might see them stray, but you can take comfort in knowing that you have planted a seed in their life and they will surly come back to what matters in life and that is their personal relationship with God.
Be blessed!
Proverbs 22:6
“Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.”