Are You Rationalizing?
/Have you ever wondered how people can go through life doing whatever they want, even when they know it goes against everything God has said is wrong? They seem to justify in their own mind that what they are doing is right and God is okay with their behavior. How wrong they are and it’s a shame they are relying on their own wisdom and not on the wisdom of God. They are thinking it’s okay to rationalize with God why what they are doing is okay in His eyes. They make stupid comments like, “Everybody sins and at least I didn’t murder anybody.” They say “I know what I’m doing is wrong but.........” Let me tell you that what they are using is foolish wisdom and God is giving them every opportunity to turn away from their foolish ways and follow Him in living a life of real truth, not false truth. The Word of God today says, “Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and DEPART from evil.” So if you know people like I’ve described above, please tell them that God said stop trying to rationalize with Him and depart, turn away from their wicked ways. Tell them that it’s not too late to get right with God, but they need to do it now while the blood is running warm in their veins. Let them know that God sees their mess and has a way to straighten it all out, but they must humble themselves before Him. They must know that He is God and besides Him there is no other. They must learn to fear and reverence Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Let me stop and say, if you are reading this post and you know your lifestyle stinks in the eyesight of the Savior, it’s not too late to turn your life around. He is waiting for you to let Him be God who knows all. Please know that He is all powerful and there is nothing too complicated, hard, confusing, messed up that He cannot solve. Just surrender your life to Him right now where you are and tell Him that you have messed up in your life but you are ready to stop thinking you are wiser than Him and ready to let Him guide you away from sin and back to a life that is pleasing in His sight.
Note: Please don’t let satan talk you out of doing what you know will give you peace in your life!!
Be blessed and I’m praying for you right now.