Abide In Him
/The word of God clearly defines that the only way you are going to make a difference in this world is by abiding in Christ. What is abiding? Abiding is staying connected to, staying under the covering. In other words, if you are going to make a difference or be successful in the endeavor you are pursuing, you must stay connected to the Father, you must stay under His covering. The word of God says, “I am the vine and you are the branches.” Have you ever noticed what happens to branches and leaves when it falls from a tree? It dies because it is no longer connected to the source , which is the tree. You cannot start under His covering and then decide to adventure off on your own. You cannot start anything in your own power and think that it is going to last. I always say, if God is not in it, then you just wasted your time, money and energy. Have you started something and it failed? It failed because you didn’t consult God before you did it or you decided on your own that you didn’t need Him anymore. I will tell you, it was a wrong move on your part. The word of God says that God is our source and sustainer, and all who remains in Him, stays with Him, consults Him, does not make a move without Him will bear much fruit. In other words, you will be successful, you will accomplish your goal because with Him you can do all things, be all things, but without Him, you will fail. Whatever you start and God is not in it will die. Now let me tell you this, satan will give you the illusion that what you have started in your own power will be successful. He will make it seem like you are going somewhere. He will cause you to lose money you don’t have and waste energy you need following a pipe dream where God was not in it. If you truly want to make a difference in this world, you must consult God about it and stay under His covering because with Him is the only way you can be successful and accomplish your goals.
Be blessed !
John 15:5
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”