Don't Sweat It
/When you are in your valley, don’t let people see you sweat because you serve a very big God who always has your back. He is a God that cannot lie, if He said He will never leave nor forsake you, then He will keep that promise to you no matter what your physical eyes can see. Your physical eyes can play tricks on you, sometimes, so press through your circumstance and look to God who is the Author and Finisher of your faith through your spiritual eyes. The word of God also says faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. So it is important to always look beyond your circumstance and figure out what God is saying to you. The word today has kept me going for a long time, but I’ve change it into my 4 P’s, which are Pray, Praise, be Patient and Persistence. These 4P’s will work for you every time and it won’t let people see you sweat because your focus is not on your problem but on the God you serve.
Be blessed!
Romans 12:12
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”