That's Love

When I think about what real love looks like, my mind goes to our Savior. He left His home in glory, THAT’S LOVE! He walked among us who were and still is unworthy creatures, THAT’S LOVE! He took time to talk to us, teach us about His word, heal us, comfort us, THAT’S LOVE! He was beaten and spit upon for us, THAT’S LOVE! He was ridiculed for us, THAT’S LOVE! He wore a crown of thorns on His head, THAT’S LOVE! He carried an old rugged cross, THAT’S LOVE! On top of carrying a cross that was not His to bear, He carried our sins past, present and future on His shoulders, HALLELUJAH! THAT’S LOVE! He was stretched wide, THAT’S LOVE! He took the nails in His hands and feet, THAT’S LOVE! He was hung high because He said, “If I be lifted high, I will draw ALL men unto Me.” THAT’S LOVE! He was pierced in the side, THAT’S LOVE! He hung His head and died, THAT’S LOVE! He was put in a borrowed tomb, THAT’S LOVE! He got up with ALL POWER in His hands, THAT’S LOVE! Now He is sitting at the right hand of His Father waiting on you and I to show real love like He did for one another. Love that is patient, kind, not envious of others, not boastful, or proud, or dishonest or self seeking. He is watching to see if you and I can show just a little of what He did while on earth. Many of us are miserably failing each day. We get so absorbed in our own feelings that we forget to show unconditional love toward others. Instead of us doing what this scripture reminds us to do, we do the opposite. But I’m glad to say, it’s not too late, you can start today walking the walk and talking the talk like Christ did. You can start making a difference in your own way. So what are you waiting on? The TIME is NOW! 
Be blessed!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”