Just Ask
/We serve a Great God and some of us don’t realize that we can literally ask Him for anything. Yes, anything! He loves you so much in spite of your sinful self that He is waiting on you to open up your mouth and call on Him for what you want. Now do realize that what you ask must be in His Will for you. Meaning, if He doesn’t think what you ask for is good for you, then He will not grant it unto you. Some people loose hope when God doesn’t deliver what they have asked for, but this is not the time to loose hope, it is time to dig deep into your faith. You know the faith that might be the size of a mustard seed. The faith that is the substance of things hoped for, not the evidence of things seen with the physical eyes. When we ask God for things, we must tag on if it is in Your Will, let it be done in Jesus name. But do know our God is not lack in anything. Psalms 50 7-15 God says the cattle on a thousand hills are mine. The birds in the sky are mine. This scripture reminds us that everything belongs to God, so He is not short of anything we ask for. He is the God of Wisdom and Knowledge, so He knows what is best at all times. Our job as believers is to commune with Him. We are to have that personal relationship with Him daily, not just when we want something. We must hold on to our faith in all things and trust that God knows what is best for me. We must remember that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts, so despite what we think, God has everything in control. The Word of God says if you, with your sinful self give gifts to your children: how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to give to you who call upon His name. So if you are talking to God about what you want, don’t stop, but if you haven’t talked to Him lately, then what are you waiting on? He is only a prayer away, your silence is prolonging your victory.
Be blessed!
Luke 11:13
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”